Thursday, 7 October 2010

So what is it all parent’s know, but that the police and coastguard don’t?

So what is it all parent’s know, but that the police and coastguard don’t? The answer is that if you don’t want your kids to do something you don’t try to tell them not to do it… well …not without backing it up with a good reason.

Today was a warm and windless day resulting in flat seas…..perfect conditions for the dolphin hunters, but again they have come back empty handed, such a relief.

We set off at 6.30, Elora, John and I went to watch the fleet return from a vantage point while Scott and the others kept a watch from The Cove. Whilst we were waiting for the boats to return the Coastguards came to introduce themselves to us, and to re-iterate that it is illegal to cut nets. We are guessing our snorkelling gear has put people on edge. We assured them we had no intention of doing so, that we were only there to watch and take pictures…Once the boats were on their way back into the harbour we left our vantage point and joined the rest of the group back at The Cove. We were making  plans to go white water rafting (Japanese style, standing up??) when the Coastguards returned for another chat…then the police wanted to talk to us..…
The police asked us if we would refrain from swimming in The Cove at all due the “sensitive situation” following Black Fish and the net cutting incident. They implied that our swimming in The Cove might inflame the already upset fishermen and we could be hurt…Scott reminded them that SSCS had agreed not to swim in The Cove when the dolphins were being held there, but that when there were no dolphins, nets or fishermen around that we would continue to swim ..….and round the conversations went for so long we didn’t have the time to go rafting anymore… and for some reason we had decided we just wanted to sit at The Cove and go for a swim…So what is it all parent’s know, but that the police and coastguard don’t? The answer is that if you don’t want your kids activists to do something you don’t try to tell them not to do it… well not without backing it up with a good reason.

So we had our swim and the fishermen turned up, but they only took photographs of us (maybe due to the police presence). 

We have just ended the evening with a lovely curry together. John and I are not vegetarians, but we are not eating meat while we are here in respect for Scott, Elora and the work being done. But what is surprising us is that we are enjoying the food very much. I’m not saying when we return to the UK we’ll never eat meat again but it will be reduced… yes that means for you kids too lol

Thanks for all the messages of support xx they really mean a lot.
6.30 start tomorrow,
For the Oceans, with Sea Shepherd….our little bit …..


  1. Thank you so much for being there! It is amazing the stand you are taking in doing so. Since I saw the movie The Cove and shortly around that time Food Inc. I started debating meat too, first cutting it out of my diet for a week or 2, then bringing it back in, then eventually for good and it's funny I don't even miss it... I have started to follow your blog and I too pray that there is no dolphin slaughter! Bring on the storms:)How long are you there for?

  2. thanks so much for being there! So many of us wish we could be as well. I will check back everyday to read of your experiences.
